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Centralia Animal Hospital

Dog sitting with his tongue out

About Us


Centralia Animal Hospital

Centralia Animal Hospital was established in 1994 by Dr. Shirley Bunting to provide high quality, compassionate veterinary care to family pets and to provide open communication with their family members.

Our goal is to offer sound advice, and optimal veterinary care, so you may enjoy your companion for many years. We feel our job as your family pet care provider is to care for your pet when he or she isn't feeling well, and to partner with you to keep your pet healthy, and happy throughout their life. Exceptional care and quality service are important aspects to consider when evaluating a veterinary clinic to entrust with the care of your pet. This is why we focus on providing exceptional service at an affordable cost each and every visit.

woman and mad holding puppy

Puppy Kindergarten

For: Puppies under 16 weeks old at the start of class. The orientation class is for pet parents only-please do not bring your puppy to this class.

When: Puppy Kindergarten includes an orientation class and four socialization classes. Classes meet at 6:30pm for one hour every Wednesday for four weeks.

Where: Centralia Animal Hospital (804)768-4212

Fees and payments: $120 to be paid during orientation.Cash, visa and MasterCard accepted

Contact: [email protected]

Staff Members Holding Rabbits & a Snake

Pets We Serve

Common Household Pets

  • Dogs

  • Cats

Exotic Pets

  • Birds, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hedgehogs

  • Rodents (rats, hamsters, gerbils, etc.)


  • Snakes, Frogs/Toads, Bearded Dragons

  • Chameleons, Turtles, Iguanas